State Convention 2019

Reserve your rooms now at Divot’s Conference center for the 2019 NSSA Convention. Group room rate is $93/night plus taxes. Call (402) 379-3833 for reservations. More information to follow. The room block will be released November 1.

The block of rooms will be released November 1!

Registration form-

2019 State Picnic Photos

Home » 2019 State Picnic Photos » 2019 State Picnic
Group That went on tour
Group That went on tour
Golf-The Duds
Golf-The Duds
The Duds..
More Tractors
More Tractors
With Richard Bender
With Richard Bender
The group with the host-Richard Bender
Even more!
Even more!
Golfing Crew
Golfing Crew
The Winners
The Winners
The Winners!
Waiting out the rain
Waiting out the rain
Wiating out the rain
Wiating out the rain
more rain
more rain
meeting set up
meeting set up
Staying Dry!
Staying Dry!
Our Fantastic Steak cooker
Our Fantastic Steak cooker
Getting them cooked just right
Getting them cooked just right
A nice fire to close out the evening
A nice fire to close out the evening

WINTER 2019 Newsletter

Winter is in full swing, and many of us have been out riding (possibly even broken some parts if you’re like myself). So far, there has been 10 reported avalanches, 11 deaths have occurred in those 10 in the United States alone this year. Majority of locations are reporting above average snowfall, there have been some DEEP days that myself and many of you have been in already this winter, and our arrogance can get in the way at times. PLEASE, be safe this winter. Check the avalanche report every morning. Make sure your gear is in check (your knowledge should be considered part of your riding gear). Adjust your riding for the day accordingly to make sure you make it back to ride another day. Check out the newsletter attached for an update on the NSSA Members Ride in a few weeks, a link to where I look to storm chase, and a link to the avalanche forecast site. An updated club contact list is currently in the works.
Happy Sledding!-Matt Kracl, NSSA VP

2018 State Convention-Lincoln

State Convention was held in Lincoln NE on Nov 30-Dec 2. Lots of laughs, games, and fantastic tours of Memorial Stadium and Robbers cave. The Annual meeting was informative and gave lots of new information on what is coming up.

A few key points:

State dues have changed from $15 to $20 (this is effective immediately, if you are paid up to a certain year, it will increase when that expires. Example, you are paid through 2020, in 2021 you will owe $20 for dues)

International Snowmobile Congress- June 5-8 2019 held in Grand Rapids, MI. The State is willing to pay $3000.00 to assist in members registration. For more information go to : . ISC 2019 Registration

ISC 2021 will be held in Omaha, and will need all hands on deck. MI is close and will give a good idea of what is needed/expected.

ISC 2020 will be held in Regina Saskatchewan, NSSA will be in charge of the hospitality room in 2020, as we are hosting ISC in 2021.

If you have any questions please contact Stan.